Energy Storage for New Energy Power Generation

Driven by the world's constant pursuit of clean power, the proportion of new energies used for power generation represented by wind power and PV is increasing rapidly. In the face of random load fluctuations, the adoption of energy storage systems can enhance the stability, continuity and controllability of new energy generation, making the power system gain faster and more flexible instantaneous power balancing ability and enabling new energy to lend stable support to the power grid. Energy storage enables electric energy to transcend time and space, which is of great significance for ensuring power grid security, improving power quality, increasing the proportion of renewable energy and improving energy utilization efficiency.

Meanwhile, the connection of charging piles to the power grid through the intelligent Internet of Things platform allows energy storage devices to provide power for new energy vehicles and new energy home appliances. Energy storage for new energy power generation indirectly and effectively achieves the goal of powering equipment. The organic combination of new energy and traditional power grids ensures the evolution of the power grids of Chinese power enterprises towards low cost, low emission, low energy consumption and high efficiency, and guarantees continuous power supply for new energy vehicles and smart homes.